I wanted to share this blog post I found. This spoke to me. There are days I feel like the world is after me for being “just a stay at home mom” like I could be doing more. I know that not everyone can be a keeper of the home, situations are different for everyone. If you would like to visit this wonderful blog go here. Make sure to grab a cup of coffee and enjoy!
Here is her post she made I just copied and pasted it. Enjoy!
We are living with the end result of feminism. Feminism has taught us that it is not enough for a woman to be home, helping her husband by keeping his home, by cleaning his clothes, cooking his meals, by taking care of his children. Feminism has taught us that this is meaningless work, and a woman must go out and earn a paycheck. A woman's worth is now thought to be wrapped up in her ability to bring in money. The jobs of cooking and cleaning can be done by any person with half a brain, they say.

Tender Loving Care
Feminism has made it so that our daughters, when asked "what" they want to be when they grow up and give the answer that they want to be a wife, mommy, and keeper at home, are told that that is not good enough. They must do more. The world needs saving, and they need to do it! No matter that their own children would be left to themselves or in another's care...they must go out into the world to be important, they are told. Feminism has taught us that children do not need their mommies, and their mommies have bigger and better obligations to attend to. Feminism has made homemakers a black mark on the world. The home a prison, instead of a refuge of love and joy.
The homemaker should not be made to feel guilty for being in her own home, day in and day out, loving and caring for it, and for those who occupy it. Rows and rows of houses now stand unoccupied, because mothers have left the homes and gone out to "better things". Children come home to the empty houses, where no mother abides, but instead rushes home late from work and attempts to throw together a meal to feed a family that is hungry for more than food.

Mother and Child Reading
This is the legacy of feminism. This is the empty life. This is what our daughters are told to strive for. It is in our churches--it is not just the world. The Church at large has accepted The Lie; the lie that feminism built. Husbands have also accepted this lie and succumb to the pressure to have a working wife. They are told that they could only have better things if their wives weren't so lazy and went out and helped "bring home the bacon". These dual-income houses are leaving lives empty, as families turn to materialism for comfort instead of each other's company.
Mothers are told they must "do something for Christ" by going out into the working world. After all, they are told, doctors and teachers are needed, and they are the ones to do it. It does not matter that the majority of men are having trouble finding work; women should be out "contributing" too.

On The Terrace
I ask you, what more contribution can a woman make than to raise up God-fearing children who love His ways?
There is no greater contribution. And God has not given the job to anyone else. Father--provider, mother--nuturer and comforter. This is how God has established it from the beginning. The man was told he would work the ground, not the woman (Genesis 3:17-19). The feminists have "liberated" us all by trying to shove the responsibility of Man on our shoulders. And in many respects, they have succeeded.
It is time for Christians everywhere to return to God's perfect order of male and female. We do not have equal roles. We have separate, and distinct roles. For this I am thankful!
Friends, do not believe the feminist lie that the homemaker's job is not important. Go about your home with a thankful heart that God has chosen you, a wife and mother, to take on this sacred task. You are training up future generations with your love and your care. The effects will last from time to come.
In Christ,