Saturday, August 4, 2012

Songs of deliverance ~ Bible journal entry

I am currently going thru Psalms during my study time in the Word of God and today this is where I was at and it jumped out at me and made me realize how wonderful our Heavenly Father is. This is what I wrote in my journal this morning.

Psalms 32: 1-2  (1) Blessed are those whose transgressions are forgiven, whose sins are covered. (2) Blessed are those whose sin the Lord does not count against them in whose spirit is no deceit.

I am so blessed now knowing that if I sin and then TRULY ask for forgiveness I receive the forgiveness and then I am blessed. *smile* What an awesome God!

In the mist of my sin before I truly asked for forgiveness it was so painful that I could not handle it anymore on my own. I didn’t want to exist anymore.

Psalms 32:3-4 (3) When I kept silent my bones wasted away through my groaning all day long. (4) For day and night your hand was heavy on me; my strength was sapped as in the summer heat.

For me this was a deep depression. I remember daily just feeling the hands of God trying to get ahold of me yet I felt justified in my sin. When you are here in your sin it is hard to get out. It took ever single ounce of me just to make it through the day. I am a great “faker”. Most people had no Idea how depressed I was.


Psalms 32:5 Then I acknowledged my sin to you and did not cover up my iniquity. I said “I confess my transgressions to the LORD.” And you forgave me.

This is so amazing how God did this for me. I still remember the day that I was beaten down  so much that I felt  I was about to take my last breath of life. Satan almost talked me into taking my own life and I then called out to the Lord “I confess!!” I think it was more of a cry/scream. It was beautiful the work that He did on my heart that day and the days that followed were pretty amazing also. I still had to live with the consequences of my sins but I don’t think my life would be this amazing if I had not experienced the true full body forgiveness I felt that day. It is so amazing what God can do for us when we are so ugly with sin.

Psalms 32:7 You are my hiding place, you will protect me from trouble and surround me with songs of deliverance.

  God Bless,
